Here are Some In General Safety Precautions for Using Essential Oils

As with all medicines, keep essential oils out of the reach of children. This may require some creativity as no cap on essential oils are childproof, and if you store them in the refrigerator it becomes even more difficult to keep them out of reach of children. 
If you do store your oils in the refrigerator and have children in the household you will need to place a lock on your storage box. Otherwise, if you store your oils just in a cool part of your house, keeping them out of reach of a child's hand may be easier for you.

Do not use or recommend use of photosensitizing essential oils prior to going into the sun or a tanning booth. Severe, and I mean very severe burns can occur. Know which oils are photosensitizing in products you prepare for clients and always place a warning label upon them as well as "verbally" instruct the client. If you use photosensitizing oils such as in a massage for a client, be sure to advise the client to stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours after their treatment.
Avoid prolonged use of the same essential oils.
Get to know your essential oils. Do your research on essential oils you use in products for clients or on clients topically. Avoid using any essential oil you know nothing about either for yourself or a client.
There are very few times when you can use essential oils directly on your skin in what is called a "neat application." Avoid the use of undiluted essential oils on your skin or the client's skin.
It may be wise to "always" perform a skin patch on yourself or clients even if you think the oils you are using will cause no skin irritation. It is always better safe than sorry after the fact, and a pre-test of a skin patch is the safest route to go.
Always research and know the safety data on each essential oil you use.
Use caution when treating females of reproduction age. I recommend using or making no products for any female of whom has admitted being pregnant. Be sure to have her sign a consent form with language describing treating pregnant females if she is in her reproduction years. Some females may not be truthful about this.
Keep essential oils out of your eyes and out of the client's eyes.
Keep essential oils away from direct contact with flames such as candles, fire, matches, cigarettes, gas cookers and so on. Essential oils are highly flammable.
Be sure your room has good ventilation when treating a client or using essential oils.
Do not use essential oils internally unless you are expertly trained to do so.
Connie Limon, Aromatherapist, Level 1


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