Aromatherapy is Much More than Just Great Smells

As I continue my discussion on "what is Aromatherapy," my mind goes back to LONG TIME AGO, when the primitive humans first discovered that leaves, berries, roots and more made sick people better. Things found in nature was all these people had to eat and sometimes to make them better from sickness as well as to give them feelings of happiness or stimulation or excitement. There were no pharmacies carrying anything they could jus t run out and "buy." They had to be creative and make their own. As they looked around the earth for food and shelter, they also found ways to heal their bodies and minds using the plant life around them. Some even reported from those days have "spiritual" experiences using plants resources. They would rub or burn aromatic plant materials to treat themselves, friends and family members with diseases or ailments. What else could they do? They had to use what was around them. And what was around them was meant for them to ...